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2024 Tough Ones Wing Challenge

Iowa BBQ Store

Regular price $25.00

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You've seen hot ones, now it's time to experience TOUGH ONES!  There will be 15 rounds of hot wings rubbed and sauced with some of the hottest (and tastiest) products on the market.  Each round, you will receive one wing and you have 1 minute to finish the wing completely.  Then there will be a 1 minute wait time until the next round.  There will be no drinks between rounds, only at the completion of the competition, which for anyone making it to Round 15, there will be a 5 minute wait time to have a drink.  Whoever makes it to the farthest round will be crowned THE TOUGH ONE and will be win a $100 Gift Card and a trophy (that is beyond badass).  In the event there is a tie - anyone lasting through Round 15 will get 6 additional wings with Round 15 sauce on them.  Whoever finishes their wings first will be the winner.  

*Limited to the first 30 Entries

*By registering you give consent to be featured in photography/videography for marketing and content purposes.  

*Each contestant must sign a liability waiver the day of the contest 

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