Darty Chex Mix

Traditional Chex Mix (2 - Family Sized Bags)
Cheez-It White Cheddar ( 1 Box )
(2) Sticks of Unsalted Butter
Bear & Burton's | The W Sauce Worcestershire
CornCookers | Darty Dust
Go ahead and fire up that smoker while we prep and toss our chex mix. Set the smoker to 225 and let that smoke roll!
The MIX: In a large mixing bowl, add your 2 bags of Chex Mix & box of White Cheddar Cheez-it’s ( You can use any variation of Chex, Nuts, Crackers, etc. that you like - we like it keep it simple with tried and true mix ). Melt down your 2 stick of butter with roughly half a bottle of the W Sauce. You can microwave it or throw it on the smoker. Once the butter is melted and mixed in nicely with the W Sauce - Slowly pour over the top of the Chex Mix and toss slowly making sure to cover as much of the mixture as possible, which is serving as our binder.
NEXT: After you’ve got your Mixture covered in our butter concoction, add everything to a full-size pan. Season heavily with Darty Dust - and mix everything around good with a spoon or spatula. Don’t be afraid to go over board with the Darty Dust!
SMOKE: Throw that pan of deliciousness into the smoker for 2 hours. Stir/Mix every 20 minutes. Add a little Darty Dust as you see fit! A shake here and a shake there never hurt no body.
ENJOY: After 2 hours in the smoke bath. Remove the pan from the smoker - You can serve this as is and enjoy. Or, if you’re saving this delicious treat for later. Let it rest and cool down before dividing it into your holding bags or Tupperware!
Submitted by SAM HEINRICHS from right here at the Iowa BBQ Store out of Ottumwa, IA!